Raising kids, one parent at a time.

Workout at home

So you've gained a few pounds or better yet, you're sticking to the "baby weight" story. If you're like me, you can barely find time during the day for a sit down meal, let alone time for the gym or walking a track somewhere. What's a girl to do?

I have a suggestion. Work out at home. Yeah, I'm sure you're thinking, who does this lady think she is. Home workouts aren't new. Well, maybe not the home workouts that you are use to. But the types of ways you can work out at home are endless. They are only limited by your imagination.

The way I am suggesting that you work out at home, incorporates things you do anyway, but with a kick. Here are some examples to kick start your imagination on ways that you can get a workout at home.

Add ankle and/or wrist weights while you vacuum and sweep
March in place at the sink while you do dishes
As you clean, make your movements big and stretch your muscles
do lunges while you clean the bathroom and getting things out of low cabinets
While you pick up the laundry out of the dryer, do a few reps with the laundry basket
Opt to wash your own car. You'll save money on the detail shop and burn calories
If you have stairs in your home, run up and down them as often as you can, leave things on the opposite floor that you know you'll need, that way you'll have to do the stairs to retrieve them

Comment with your suggestions if you have more.

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